Sunday, February 15, 2009

In a few days, I am either going to be happy...or annoyed. I told Bill on Thursday that my period was due Saturday, February 14. So we went out to dinner and had our V-day bed fun on Friday. It is Sunday and it still has not come. Yes, I know I'm only 1 day late. But my period in December and January was perfect; it came and went on exactly the days it said it should have on my chart! December 18-23; January 17-22. It was supposed to be February 14-19. *sighs*

Bill said maybe I'm pregnant. A few weeks ago he stopped using the comdoms and has been practicing the pull-out method. So...there is a possibility I'm pregnant. It only took one try both times I was pregnant before. And my period was DUE May 21 when I got 2 BFPs. My period was due June 25 when I got a BFP on June 26. Who knows. But if I'm not pregnant...then I will be annoyed when my period does decide to show up. Cause it messes up my TTC chart and I have to fix it! Argh!!

1 comment:

  1. ((hugs)) to you. How are things going? To brighten your day, I just nominated you for an award. Check out my blog to see what it is!
